Effecting Positive Change
When planning for success, do you regard your organization as a “problem to be solved” or a “mystery to be embraced?” You need to be asking yourself fundamental questions such as:
- Do your clients rate your service as excellent? If not, what are you doing about it?
- Is your sales and marketing planning and execution built around your clients’ needs?
- What do your clients want your company to be so you can delight them? If you did know, how are you going to get there?
- Do your teams understand that everything begins and ends with the client?
Do you:
- Meet with your clients regularly and ask what’s really important to them and why?
- Achieve your clients’ objectives?
- Obtain buy-in from everyone in your organization?
- Recognize that your clients’ business needs are constantly changing minute by minute and that your organization needs to keep up?
Or are your client and corporate initiatives very well-intended but sub-optimal?
By involving a wide and diverse group of your employees in the “Appreciative Inquiry” process, you can unleash...
- The “best of what is” in your company (your Positive Core)
- The “best of what you can be” (your Realistic Dreams)
- Action plans that will take you to where you want to be based on what you do well now (the Design and Delivery)
- The ability not to get bogged down in what doesn’t work
Andrew Crawford has had outstanding results using this philosophy and methodology, working with clients to achieve company-wide positive change.